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LARPing event in Parsons

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PARSONS, Kan. – “This is a cross-gaming event, meaning there’s plenty of middle-aged people. Hand-to-hand combat will be played out on the field. We will play different scenarios, and reenact the battles of bridges and sieges, and raids on villages, as well as things that have more fantasy-like elements, “said Zachary Sellers, the organizer.

Live game of action allow players to dress to meet strangers.

It’s a part of the group.

“Kind of a pastime and for many, it’s an integral aspect of their lives… The LARP community as a whole is amazing , and although we all have our own opinions We clearly still enjoy having fun, punching each one another with foam sticks, and laughing over the many battle stories we shared that day “said Sellers.

On Sundays, people from all across Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri were at Parsons Kansas to compete against players who came from different “realms”.

“You workout while doing it. You’ll make lots of friends. It’s a very inclusive and loving community. We all work together and have fun, “said a LARP who refers to Angus the hefty.

For participants it is an opportunity to connect with other like-minded people, stay active and less stressed.

“For me I use it as a reason for me to leave the house. it’s a great opportunity to practice and learn to protect yourself in the process. With my many connections I’ll soon know how to build the weapons. It’s a matter of time, “said a LARP who talks about Noot.

He also claimed that joining the Larping Community had a profound effect on his life.

“I’ve always sat in my house and sat there in the darkness all day long in the house, getting prepared, and so one day, I was in the park. I asked what’s going on and they replied that you need to fight us, and I went to fight him. The adrenaline rush came through. The most enjoyable time of my life , and I never stopped, “said Noot.

For many people at the event, they are like family and”it’s only the right thing to do”, when everyone else does not.

About Gloria Skelton

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